Instead of trying to get this under control, both parties are exploiting Ebola to win the upcoming elections. Republicans are bashing Obama for having no realistic strategy for stopping the crisis. They are blaming the Obama administration for the CDC's spending funds on exercise(jazzercise), healthy diets, urban gardening, and massage therapy. Some republicans believe Obama isn't doing enough to keep the United States' borders safe. They want a no fly zone immediately put into effect and a ban on any West Africans from entering the country from any infected regions(Sierra Leone, Liberia, and Guinea). Democrats are trying to gain political power by claiming Republican--driven spending cuts have hurt the nations ability to fight the Ebola virus. They argue that republicans voted to cut the CDC's budget to fight and develop a vaccine for Ebola by over 300 million dollars in the past few years. While blaming Obama, the republicans move backfired and opened up the GOP to the media and public scrutiny that they systematically whittled away vital funding for dozens of health programs since 2010.
It's pretty obvious that using Ebola to get votes or at least take votes away from the other party is a viable strategy. Both the liberals and conservatives are testing Ebola's political power. Americans are paying attention and the politicians know it. The only way we are going to avoid the same problems West Africa is having is to come together as bi-partisans. Both the democrats and republicans have to work as one, instead of two. Everyone needs to put political agendas aside and focus on stopping Ebola. Republicans and democrats came together to fight AIDS/HIV and the 9/11 tragedy. If anything those two examples show that when this country is in trouble, a bi-partisan is the way to go.
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