Oct 27, 2014


          Scientists use the phrase global warming to describe the atypical increase in the Earths surface temperature since the start of the 20th century.  The Earth's climate is going through intense changes.  Global warming and climate change came from human contributions to the release of greenhouse gases. Emissions from transportation, manufacturing, agriculture, and other human activities are affecting the earth's atmosphere.  Humans produce greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, and methane.  Its produced by burning fossil fuels while powering homes and factories, generating waste and cutting down trees.  Global warming will increase the temperature and cause heat waves and poor air quality.  The wildlife will suffer and animals could become extinct.  Just like with any other serious, important issue, the U.S. governments political parties disagree.  As you can see this is clearly a major problem.
          Politicians and economists didn't start taking global warming seriously since the 1990's.  For years conservatives didn't agree with what studies have shown.  They didn't think global warming was man-made.  Recent polls and present day republicans are singing a different tune--- sort of.  Although they that agree global warming is a reality, how much of it is the fault of human behavior is in question.  Conservatives reject the science behind global warming because they do not like the solutions.  They claim that the science is unreliab
le.  Some conservative
s say that even if they agreed to cut emissions, China and India wont. so whats the point.  President Obama unveiled tough new regulations on existing power plants that would significantly curb carbon emissions in the coming decade.  But conservatives said if would kill jobs, raise electricity costs and hurt the economy.  House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, said "The President's plan would indeed cause a surge in electricity bills and also cause power plants to shut down and potentially put more than 220,000 people out of work.  This was proven to be false by an independent study.
          I'm an Independent.  I don't agree with the Republicans stance on global warming.  Although I disagree with Democrats on plenty of issues too, I think that the Obama Administration is doing a pretty good job addressing global warming and climate change.  Under Obama, the Department of Transportation issued new fuel-economy standards.  That hasn't been done in decades.  The EPA(The Environmental Protection Agency) began regulating carbon dioxide emissions from power plants.  In fact, carbon pollution is at the lowest level in nearly 20 years.  Being the proud father of an eight year old, i'm happy that President Obama has our nations kids future looking bright.  This Administration has put a solid outline together to accelerate the development of clean energy.  I would like to do my part and get involved with some of the programs that are offered.  If we are going to get a hold on global warming, we must work together because talking about the issues is only half of the solution.  

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