Sep 28, 2014

Super PACs


        Super PACs will play a major role in the up coming elections, and mainly the presidential election in 2016.  Back in 2010, the Supreme Court ruled 5-4 that corporations and organizations have the same rights as U.S. citizens.  The ruling gave corporations "first amendment rights", so they have the right to endorse and speak about which ever candidates they choose to. Super PACs, officially known as "independent-expenditure only committees", may not make contributions to candidate campaigns or parties, but may engage in unlimited political spending independently of the campaigns.  Without a spending limit, they can produce commercials,make calls and mail as much they want for the candidate they're supporting and against their opponent. These super PACs can influence the outcome of elections with their spending.  This is important because money can corrupt the political process.    

       Conservatives think the Super PACs are good for the Democracy.  They believe that its a way to educate voters and spread awareness. Conservatives say Super PACs will increase transparency.  Under Federal law, political action committees must report names of their donors. Super PACs inform voters and help level the playing field.  The fact that Super PACs are anti-democratic is off-base. Their function is to spread information and arguements about the candidates to the voters.

       First off, there are Democratic Super PACs that exist. Some reports state that Democratic super PACs have even raised more than the GOP super PACs. The liberals oppose super PACs because they feel that corporations spending all that money takes the vote out of the peoples hands. Elections will be bought and paid for by big donations from big corporations.  Super PACs can spend unlimited amounts of cash on advertisements saying whatever they want about candidates. Theres no law saying the ads have to be true. Smear campaigns are not illegal.  Opponents think that all the political ads can possibly steer less educated voters.

       Personally I don't side with neither conservatives or liberals.  Since the Supreme Court ruling back in 2010, both parties are now taking advantage of the decision.  The Democratic Party were opposed to the ruling in the beginning but they are forming Super PACs just as the Republican Party has.  Super PACs don't just affect the federal level of politics, local politics are suffering too.  I feel that elections will be literally purchased now by the highest bidder.  Big corporations always had a hand in who would be elected president.  But now, legally being able to spend as much as they want, these Super PACs (corporations) will be running the country.

Sep 14, 2014


        I chose my father for my action interview.  He was raised a democrat and considered himself liberal up until he joined the military in his early twenties.  Soon after he joined the navy Vietnam happened.  Thats when he started to rethink his political identity.  He felt that the party started to sway too far left and he began to question his stance up against the party.
       My father considers himself a conservative independent.  For domestic issues, we need to enforce our laws on immigration.  As far as foreign policy, we have to identify and neutralize our fanatical enemies and all others who threaten our way of life.
        Like my father I considered myself a democrat,  or so I thought.  I'm not even sure why.  But as I grew up and started to pay attention to what was going on in the world I changed my mind.  I now consider my stance on politics as an independent.  There are views and issues on both sides that I agreed and disagreed with.  The war in Afghanistan, Obamacare and immigration are some examples of how I lean both ways at different times.Funny Political
        I always knew that my father and I viewed certain issues differently.  After conducting my action interview,  I realize that we differed on more issues than I originally thought.  But thats what politics is all about.  I questioned some of his views during our interview and he debated with me about some of mine.  There are too many people in this country that vote the way others want them to just so they get a good job.  Most don't take the time to learn the issues and take their own stance.

1.  Do you support the war in Afghanistan, Why?
2.  Who was your favorite president, Why?
3.  Have you lost faith in your government?
4.  You were in Vietnam, did you support what went on?
5.  Do you have any questions about my political identity and my views on current issues?


Sep 6, 2014


My name is Joe Hally. I was born and raised in South Boston, Massachusetts.  I still reside in Southie today. My family comes from Ireland and I was raised Irish Catholic and I'm  very proud of my Irish heritage. I am one of four siblings and also have a daughter of my own. My parents have been married for over  45 years. This place that I call home has gone through a lot of changes over the years, so while taking the good with the bad, I still like what it has to offer.

I realized at a young age that South Boston carried a rich history. Many families fathers, sons and brothers served their country and fought in all the past wars. I think in part thats where i got my interests in history. Although historical events is what i mainly enjoy, I'm also intrigued by what else is out there. By that i mean aliens!! I just think that the universe is too big for us to be the only ones. Sooner or later the truth will show itself. I'm also a huge fan of all the local sports franchises. Sports and athletics interest me in general. Boston has enjoyed over a decade of winning championships.
I have many goals that I would like to achieve throughout my life. Going back to school is a goal i'm accomplishing as i write this blog. One that is very important to me is to lead by example and show my daughter, who i love dearly, that getting an education and pursuing a career in a field that I enjoy. I dream of one day having a career of my own choosing so that going to work wont seem like a job.  I want to be able to afford her the opportunities  that I didn't have.  I plan on traveling to Ireland with my daughter and tracing our family tree back to our ancestors.  I guess almost all of my goals include my kin now because thats what happens when you have kids.  There are some goals that I will come back to when the time is right.